Dental Insurance Billing

Focus on your business - we'll focus on your billing.

The Dentalogic Difference

Employees. Not Contractors.

We strongly believe that to ensure quality service, we must have the ability to train and closely monitor our account managers.

All of our employees are centralized in our office in Texas, allowing us to provide extensive training, daily oversight and real-time assistance when needed.

About Us
Filing dental insurance claims

Timely Claims Filing

We allow your team to focus on patient care, while we focus on ensuring that you are paid quickly and correctly.

Every appointment is reviewed daily to ensure that all claims are filed in a timely manner. We also review your "Claims Not Sent" report often to make sure nothing gets overlooked.

Proper Narratives & Attachments

We use the information you provide to send claims with the optimal information necessary to ensure prompt payment.


We assess your clinical notes and diagnosis to craft a concise narrative. You simply complete your notes and let us handle the rest.


We reference carrier-specific documentation requirements to determine the necessary attachments for each claim.

Narrative and attachment for dental insurance claim
Posting dental insurance payment

Precise Payment Posting

Write-offs and account balances can be a major headache. We examine every EOB in detail to ensure that payments are posted accurately.

Our goal is to ensure that every patient's account ledger is easy to understand. Properly posting insurance checks and calculating write-offs helps to ensure that you always know the true status of your patients credits and balances. This makes sending statements a breeze.

Professional Appeal Letters

Working with multiple practices gives us the ability to assess the most effective language when appealing denied claims. We evaluate the reason for denial and exhaust all options during the appeals process.

Sometimes the carrier simply needs additional information, other times an appeal outlining clinical necessity is required.

Our team is highly trained in reviewing x-rays and we provide extensive training on the art of crafting an appeal letter.

Dental insurance appeal letters
Dental billing claims follow-up

Outstanding Claims Follow-Up

Our main objective is to keep your outstanding claims to a minimum.

We follow up on unpaid claims once they have been outstanding for more than 45 days to ensure that the carrier does not require any additional information from us.

Pricing Summary

Only pay for what gets collected.

Get started with Dentalogic

Reach out to us today to see how we can make your day just a little bit easier.

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